Living After the Way of Happiness

In Stake Conference this last Sunday, the Stake President talked about living after the way of happiness. He said that the formula could be found in 2nd Nephi 5.

This is my interpretation of what he taught based on the notes I took. The overall team is. That despite trials, if we are prepared and have the right perspective and attitude, we can and are meant to have joy and happiness in our lives.

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  1. Pray regularly and sincerely
    • In verse 1 Nephi did cry much unto the Lord.
    •  Nephi was greatly concerned about his murmuring brothers prayed for guidance.
    • As we pray regularly and sincerely we too can receive answers to help us in our lives.
  2. Be grateful for his answers
    • In verse 5 the Lord gives Nephi an answer to his prayers
    • Nephi was directed by the Lord to leave his brothers and did so despite the challenge taking such an action likely presented.
    • As we should also show our gratitude for answers to our prayers by doing what the Lord asks of us.
  3. Prioritize your family
    • In verse 6 Nephi takes his family with him.
    • The Family is central to Plan of Salvation. Quality and quantity both matter.
    • In verse 8 they call themselves the people of Nephi, much like how we have last names to identify what family we are a part of.
  4. Live simply
    • In verse 7 they only had what they could take with them.
    • When we focus on the material things we need, and not on acquiring as much as we can, our wants are minimized and we learn to be happy with what we have.
    • Constantly wanting more, leaves you feeling empty, but being happy with what you have, helps you to be happy.
  5. Keep the commandments
    • In verse 10, they observed the commandments of the Lord according to the Law of Moses.
    • The commandments are meant to keep us free from sin so that we are free from the negative consequences that follow.
    • It’s much easier to be happy when we are not burdened with negative consequences from our poor choices.
  6. Be industrious and work.
    • In verses 11, 15, 16 and 17 they did sow seed, raise animals, and build things
    • When we work and produce it brings a feeling of self-worth.
    • When we are lazy and rely on others it’s harder to see our worth, and can produce feelings of entitlement to the things we have not worked for.
  7. Search the scriptures learning of the Word of God
    • In verse 12 Nephi had the records on the plates of brass.
    • These records were their scriptures that they could use to study the Words of God.
  8. Follow the Spirit and the Prophet
    • Verse 12 also mentions the Liahona
    • It gave them guidance, just as the spirit can help and guide us in our lives.
    • They had also followed Lehi who was a Prophet and now followed Nephi as their Prophet.
  9. Protect ourselves and our families spiritually and physically
    • In verse 14 Nephi uses the Sword of Laban as a temple to create more
    • When we are prepared to protect ourselves, we are not fearful of our enemies.
    • Most importantly we need to put on the Armor of God so that we are not fearful of Satan and his followers.
  10. Attend the temple regularly
    • In verse 16 Nephi builds a temple.
    • Temples are the house of God where we can have the feelings of the spirit unrestrained.
    • They provide refuge from the world and help to strengthen us spiritually.
  11. Be good citizens
    • In verse 18 Nephi leads his people per their wishes
    • We should also seek after honest and wise men to lead our governments
    • As our governments are more righteous, we will have less conflict within our societies.
  12. Be good church members
    • Throughout this chapter, the people of Nephi followed Nephi and his appointed Priests and Teachers.
    • If they had not they would not have “lived after the manner of happiness” as mentioned in verse 27.
    • In fact, based on verse 34, they likely would have been destroyed had they not followed his counsel.
    • We too will prosper and grow spiritually as we strive to be good members of our congregations.


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