BOM Lesson 12 – Pray Always with Sincerity

Pray Always

To pray always, doesn’t mean to constantly be on our knees about every little thing that comes up in our lives, but it’s important to always remember God in all that we do. To always remember that we can seek the blessings that come through sincere prayer to Heavenly Father. Enos, the son of Jacob, is a good example of sincere prayer. Joseph Smith also earnestly sought after God and gave a sincere prayer before his “first vision” (See: Joseph Smith—History 1:14–16).

Enos Prays with Faith

Enos went to pray because his soul hungered for the things his father had taught him (Enos 1:1–4). Heavenly Father answered Enos’s prayer through a voice that told him his sins were forgiven “Because of [his] faith in Christ” (Enos 1:5–8). While we may not hear a voice answering us, through our faith in Jesus Christ, and because he suffered for our sins, we too will be forgiven when we repent.

Enos desire that “the Lord God would preserve a record of [his] people” (Enos 1:13). The Book of Mormon is an answer to Enos’ prayer. Just as the Lord promised Enos, people today can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon.

Lord tells Enos a record would be kept because of his faith: “Thy fathers have also required of me this thing; and it shall be done unto them according to their faith; for their faith was like unto thine.” (Enos 1:15–18).

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Pray for Others

After his sins were forgiven, Enos pray “for the welfare of [his] brethren, the Nephites” (Enos 1:9). The Lord answered Enos saying: “I will visit thy brethren according to their diligence in keeping my commandments” (Enos 1:10). Likewise, we should pray for the welfare of others. Enos also prayed for the Lamanites, his enemies (Enos 1:11). Why would you pray for your enemies?

When we pray for others, it helps us to keep one of God’s greatest commandments to Love others (see: Matthew 22:38-40). When we pray for our enemies, it also helps us to fulfill the commandment to love our enemies (see: Luke 6:27-35).

How to Pray

Do the following when you pray:

  1. Begin by addressing our Father in Heaven.
  2. Tell him what you are thankful for.
  3. Ask him for what you desire.
  4. Close by saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

while you pray, show respect by using formal words like: thee, thy, thou, thine instead of you, your, yours (see Dallin H. Oaks, The Language of Prayer in Ensign, May 1993, pp. 15–18).

We should take the time to listen after we have prayed, just as Enos did, so we can hear Gods answers.

How we Get Answers

Enos heard the voice of the Lord in his mind in answer to his prayer. Answers can also come as a feeling of peace or comfort; a feeling that something is not right; as an ideas that come into our minds; while reading a scripture that brings understanding to a particular situation; through counsel from Church leaders, parents, and others sent by the Lord; and even dreams or visions.

Heavenly Father sometimes answers “no” to our prayers. Sometimes Heavenly Father will not give us the things we ask for because he knows they are not the best thing for us. We need to be prepared to accept whatever answer our Heavenly Father gives us to our prayers. Sometimes we also need to be patient for the answers to come in the timing that God knows is best for us. God also expects us to do our part, to do our own research and bring our ideas to him in prayer. Simply giving us the answer to everything will not help us to learn and grow, but he will help to confirm if our decision is the right one.

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