Author: S.J. Hollist

Editor in Chief of Mormon Affirmations, Author of the Thrive In Life e-book and newsletter.

The History of Mormon Pioneers.

Between 1847 through 1869, estimates of 60,000 – 80,000 Mormon pioneers migrated to the Utah mountains on journeys that took months to complete. Today, July 24th, Mormons all around the world celebrate these faithful pioneers who made these treks.  This specific date, commemorates…

Self Governance

Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 2nd counselor in the First Presidency, wrote an article in 2008 on Developing Christlike Attributes. President Uchtdorf grew up in Germany during WWII, and latter enjoyed a career as an Airline Pilot; as such he always seems…

Family ties can last forever

Memorial day is often a time when reflect back on our ancestors and loved ones who have passed away; as well as those who sacrificed their lives to protect or improve our culture and freedoms. When we put an eternal perspective on…